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Sunday 8 July 2012

How Keep Positive Thinking

7 Tips for Daily Positive Thinking & Motivation

1. Surround Yourself With Positive & Motivating People - They say that success is built on the foundation of surrounding yourself with successful and like minded individuals in business.  The same process can be applied in Positive Thinking Motivation.  Positive Energy is contagious and you will want to keep your environment and entourage filled with Positive people.
2.  Gratitude- Incorporating gratitude in you life greatly improves you becoming more happy and content in your life.  Realizing first that you must be thankful for what you have and to be happy with what you have will put you in a position of already achieving happiness.  If you are always complaining about things you don’t have then you will never be happy.  Be grateful and be blessed.
3.  Start Your Day By Envisioning Success – Everyday start your day by envisioning your goals that you want to accomplish for that day and empowering yourself in being successful.  Start by getting into the habit of already achieving success by first envisioning it.  You want to be in a winners mindset each day rather than starting your day off with a negative spin.  Just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed in the morning, turn it around by envisioning a successful rest of the day.
4.  Persistence – Michael Jordan has missed over 9,000 shots in his career and Thomas Edison performed 50,000 experiments before he succeeded in producing a light bulb.  Failures is the biggest downfall for most people where they give up too easily and think just because they failed a few times, it’s impossible.  Success is only failure turned upside down, we learn to be the best by learning from our mistakes and growing from them.  Do not give up, push yourself to the limit and go above and beyond that.  Stay focused on the goal at hand and don’t miss out on opportunities by giving up, that extra effort, that extra try may be the winning ticket to success.
5.  Be a leader – Don’t just sit on the sidelines waiting for the world to change and expecting others to change for your benefit.  Grab success by its horns and take charge.  Go out and be the leader where you can inspire others to become positive and productive too.  Having people becoming inspired and being a role model for excellence will also help you establish in surrounding yourself with successful people.  Don’t wait for things to happen, go out and make things happen.
6. Goal setting – Have a plan for success.  Set your goals on a daily piece of paper and plan out your priorities from the top to bottom.  Finish each task before starting another.  With long term goals plan out a vision board and business plan for the rest of the year.  Having goals outlined in your life will give the drive and motivation you need to become happy and successful in life.
7.  Work Out & Eat Right – In order to take care of yourself on the inside you must also reflect wise decisions on the outside.  Eating healthy and working out will keep in you a great state of being more productive and help maintain an mind.  You will become less groggy and more focused in concentration.   A great anecdotal evidence to cure for writer’s block has always been going for a long walk, run, or hitting the gym most would tell you.

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